Welcome to the website of the Chesterfield Art Club.
The Club was founded in 1929 to promote an interest in painting, drawing and other creative subjects. The Club welcomes artists of all abilities working in a range of mediums.
The Club holds regular meetings which are either:
- Demonstrations by professional artists, in a particular medium
- Worknights on a prescribed topic (or members’ own choice)
- Nominated Subject evenings when members bring examples of their work on the prescribed topic.
The Club meets at Whittington Moor Methodist Church Hall, Scarsdale Road, (Dunston Road), Chesterfield, S41 8NA
The Club usually meets on the second and fourth Friday of each month, from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. (Exceptions: no meetings in August or on the fourth Friday in December.)
There is a charge of £2.50 per session for members in addition to an annual subscription of £35, payable in January. Visitors are welcome to attend at £5 per session with Demonstration evenings charged at £8 per session.
The Club holds a number of Exhibitions each year at local venues. Members may enter up to 6 pictures with a small charge per item to cover the costs involved and a 10% commission on any sales you make.
The Club also runs Outdoor Painting sessions during the summer months and additional Indoor Painting on an ad hoc basis.
For more information about the Club, you can view our latest Newsletter here.
The annual programme of meetings and other activities are co-ordinated by a Committee which is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. The current Committee members are:-

Vice Chairman
Ian Geary

Lynda Brown

Julie Nixon

Sharon Maycock

Terry Pashley

Sue Pashley